Travel makes time slow down

If I asked you what you did the first Tuesday of last November, you’d likely be pressed to remember.  You can’t recall, unless of course, you were wandering through the outdoor market in a small town in Tuscany, or walking along the beach in Portugal, the waves crashing on the rocks,spray flying in all directions.

When at home, a Tuesday blends into a hundred other Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays. But when traveling you have new sights, and sounds, and smells all around you. There is so much you’ve never done or seen before. These are things that make that day unique, things that firmly plant that day in your memory.

By the same measure, all the new things stimulating your senses make time appear to slowdown. A day at home goes fast.  But a day traveling abroad lasts five times longer, as you stop, see, and reflect on all the unfamiliar things that surround you.

This indeed is why I’m addicted to travel. It breaks me out of my routines. I’m doing and seeing new things that make me think.

In short, travel makes me feel alive.

Bob Lawson

Website development, training, and consulting services for nonprofit organizations and creative entrepreneurs.

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